Saturday, November 21, 2020

Fall freezer filling season

 Today I'm sitting in my office (also known as the woods) reading, editing, and emailing folks who have submitted articles for the Jan 2021 issue. 

I'm sitting beside Bill, and just a few yards away is our youngest son. 

Illinois Deer Season Hunters
This weekend is 1st shotgun season for white tailed deer in Central Illinois. 

The weather yesterday hit a high of about 70F and sunny. Today it is 48F and cold, damp, and breezy. It rained overnight and this morning, making the trails muddy and leaves soggy. 

The air today has a bite to it, but I love the quite of the woods. The silence is pierced by the whistle of a red-tailed hawk overhead, and a woodpecker tapping on trees on the ridge behind us. A burro brays in a pasture to the south west of us, and a jet plane rumbles high across the sky. I love these sounds.

I'm meeting with Don and Jan Stover later this month to go over some information on the OCG, and OCG-IL business. I look forward to seeing their sweet faces soon. Some business just has to be done face to face. 

I have been learning about formatting text, wrapping text, and all about the newspaper printing business. There is a lot to learn, but I'm grateful for Don and Jan's help, and am happy to get to learn more things from them in a couple weeks.

Check back often for updates. The wind is picking up and my battery is getting low, so I better go.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Whoooo's been missing The Owl Creek Gazette?

Owl Creek Gazette Illinois

Hello, I'm Shanan Strode. I am a long time contributor to the Owl Creek Gazette,  and today my husband Bill and I did something exciting! Today we, along with Don and Jan Stover,  have restarted and expanded the much loved Owl Creek Gazette. There are now licensing agreements available through Don and Jan Stover! 

I'm thrilled to be taking the Illinois licensing agreement, and will be gearing up to get the OCG back in print for MONTHLY publication, beginning in January 2021.

We are working on ads, content, subscriptions, distribution, and all the other details that go along with getting the OCG back in print and into your hands.

We are going to do our very best to keep the original distribution area, though, sadly, some locations have been permanently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking into new businesses in those areas which would be willing to help us distribute copies of the OCG. 

We would also love to expand our love of the OCG into Central Illinois, and eventually expand into the rest of the state. 

Please check back often, as we will be posting updates on our progress and plans!

Bill and Shanan Strode